Mystical Tales

Stories, Some Short And Some On Going


My daughter gave me these words "The Moon Was Full And Promising" to write a story on.
A short story challenge we had going on with one another tossing themes at each other and writing on them. So this is what evolved.

by Deanne

I awakened to the sound of hoofs clamoring in the distant, praying in the silences of my mind, as they grew nearer. My body lying paralyzed upon the side of the hilltop in the cool wet grass. My eyes frozen stare into the moon hanging full and bright along star lit sky. Knowing life clung to my shallow breath, gave me hope that I still had a chance of living.
When a snort in my face from a horse broke my thoughts, as a shadow of a man placing his head upon my chest as to find my heart still pounding. He must have cause I heard him cry out into the darkness “I have a live one over here”…Rushing inward of feet stammering in the darkness as if to awaken the night “Is it her”…”I am uncertain in the night, yet has to be” “Hurry lets get her back to the village”.
The two men spoke picking my body up and tossing it over on another mans lap as he stayed in the saddle. “Go. They hollered, she barley alive” and off we rode into the darkness.
When we arrived they placed my body on the kitchen table next to the crackling of the fire. And began ripping my dress from my body, till I lied there in my nakedness, just as the others began arriving and talking amongst themselves. “Well is it her” some one asked. “Yes” (holding up my left arm) “She bares the mark”.
Finally a group of women entered shooing the men away and covering me with a blanket. The women locked the door with the men on the outside and began working on me. One washed my hair, another my body, as the others preparing something in the kettle hanging in the fire. When one of the ladies spoke up “Miss Molly…ah there is something I need you to see?” “What is it Sarah” “Come and see”. “Oh what is it” (Molly said looking at my chest) “Look it is a broken dagger piercing her heart…that’s where all the blood is coming”? “Hurry ladies, we have not much time” Molly shouted rushing back to the kettle and removing it from the fire.
All the ladies began to gather around me two on each side of the table and one at my head and one at my feet, totaling six ladies all together. The one placed at my head placed a large leaf upon my heart where the broken dagger erupts from my chest. Holding hands they chanted a spell. “Queen of light…Awaken sight…. Heal the body…Heal the soul…through the dagger...The crystal shall glow…Intensifying your powers to overflow” The room exploded in a bright rainbow light as it shot from my heart and attaining the breath of life to return. I sat straight up as the broken dagger now clinging to the blanket slipped to the floor.
The ladies all stepped back in hush as the room fell silent. “Queen Lanais, has returned” I heard some one whispered. As another picked up the blanket and covering me, another handing me clothing to put on as they spoke “Here you can where this, for your journey home. I said, “Thank you ladies for you have restored my life” “and where is my King”.
Molly step forward with her head bowed and her words flowed in sadness “Your King, madam was slain as you left for dead, your castle was over thrown scattering the bodies all along the hillside” “And you, my Queen is the only survivor”
“So where is it I shall journey home if there is none for me to return” I said with my voice trembling. “Prince Almar” the ladies said giggling. “Who is this prince Almar”? I asked while slipping on my clothing. “He too is the only survivor from his kingdom that was attacked many moons ago and has agreed to protect you and together you both can rebuild for you have our Village to help you.”
“Sarah you and the ladies run along and tell him she is ready to go.” Molly said pointing towards the door.” As the ladies left Molly turned to me and asked how I was feeling and requested I drink the liquid potion she made for me. “I am weak still, but feeling much better,” I said as I sipped the potion. “Your strength will return in couple of days,” Molly said with encouragement. Just as the door flew open and a handsome fellow made his way towards me and bowing as he spoke “I am Prince Almar, I too have been given a crystal heart and pelage before my queen to protect her for the remainder of my life as long as she will have me” “Yes, just take me now to your castle so it is I can rest” I said tiredly. With out another word being spoken he scooped me up in his arms and carried me to his awaiting horse.
We road it seem for hours, The warmth of this strangers body made me feel so safe as I lean against his chest and I drifted into thoughts, half a sleep. I knew with him this would be a love affair, a passion that would linger for many lifetimes to come, I could feel his love radiate into his breath and caress softly down my neck. “Look over there, that is our home” He said stirring me back awake and pointing to the most beautiful castle sitting on top of a mountain overlooking the ocean. It was a glorious site, twilight had rose to the moon glow so full and promising like my life.